Juliette Eröd
Grinberg Practitioner

Praxis Thelen
Schönaugasse 8
A-8010 Graz

E-Mail: juliette@eroed.at
Phone: +436507226344

Information: The practice is on the 3rd floor with barrier free access. It can be reached by foot in around a minute from Jakominiplatz. There is access by car through the Grazbachgasse. In the house next door is a fee-based Apoca car-house.

Disclaimer:  The Grinberg Method® is a methodology of attention that teaches through expanding and focusing body attention. It does not claim to heal, to be an alternative medicine, a massage therapy, or to be considered among the helping professions. It is not intended for persons suffering from conditions considered life threatening. Nor for those with conditions or serious illnesses that require medical or psychiatric attention. Moreover, it is not intended to be a substitute for any kind of required treatment. The method has no ideological or mystical basis and does not demand any particular lifestyle.
